Manage remote VMs with virsh

Sat 21 March 2020

Filed under Misc

Tags virsh

The objective of this post is to describe the steps needed to manage a VM running on a remote KVM host.


  • running KVM remote hypervisor
  • have a remote VM on the hypervisor
  • ssh access to the hypervisor

Using virsh connect parameter

virsh can be used to manage VMs (and volumes, network, etc...) on the hypervisor. And this can be done when the hypervisor is a remote machine as well.

To achieve this, in the remote client you will run:

apt install libvirt-clients
virsh --connect qemu+ssh://devops@hypervisor:/system

This will connect to a remote host called hypervisor using ssh. Once you are connected you can do virsh stuff on it.

virsh # list
 Id    Name                           State
 1     VM1                            running
 2     VM2                            running

virsh # start VM3
Domain VM3 started

virsh # list
 Id    Name                           State
 1     VM1                            running
 2     VM2                            running
 3     VM3                            running

virsh # quit

Automating the boring stuff

You can define your default hypervisor in libvirt configurations file ~/.local/etc/libvirt/libvirt.conf

echo "XDG_CONFIG_HOME=~/.local/etc/" >> ~/.bashrc
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=~/.local/etc/
nano ~/.local/etc/libvirt/libvirt.conf

uri_aliases = ["hypervisor=qemu+ssh://devops@hypervisor:/system"]
uri_default = "qemu+ssh://devops@hypervisor:/system"

Once you have defined your defaults you can manage your VMs with:

virsh # to use uri_default
virsh --connect hypervisor # to use uri_aliases



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